Saturday 24 December 2011

Time - The Insidious Bitch!

No time to LIVE, with all leave to Time!

Right from the moment we open our eyes, the race begins, the race for survival, the race for LIVEing what is called LIFE! For some it starts the day they are born and for someone like me it starts whenever I wake up everyday! :D

Time is a impregnable business, its a deceptive cipher to decode. The one who puzzles it out walks out as a straight winner in Life. Coincidentally we have Hero's worth counting on our fingers. It is time which gives us name, fame, friends, sorrow and happiness in life. Its is time which taught me or rather evolved into me the thought to make compositions like:
U Found Me when I was Looking 4U,
Oh Dear! Say cheez coz its all so BLUE,
Deep within t heart lies a place still treasured just for U, 
Till then stay happy coz its in lieu of something new, 
So that we can say again, U Found Me when I was Looking 4U....
and also the fact that sometimes making a laugh of yourselves amongst your peers may sometimes be the best way to get out of the otherwise following humiliation! (I hope you get what I mean)

For time may become a witch and play tricks upon you, its your confidence and patience that will help you produce a ACCIO or a ALOHOMORA to open new paths to glory or even a AVADA KEDAVRA! Here comes your experience to deal with situations into picture, where again time is the witty teacher. It makes us work, it makes us love, it makes us think and what not!

Saying so, Caboodle of thoughts is inversely proportional to the time we have to fulfill them! Working in a PSU or for that matter in any manufacturing industry will give you a first hand experience of this fact wherein it seems you have ample of time but then its actually worthless.

To catch this with my last blog, we can say: 'Life sometimes gels into monotonous Zero's!'

Foreseeing on my own example, working in shifts makes it a pretty simple equation: 8 and a 1/2 hrs of work and rest all is yours to LIVE your life. But then in order to LIVE that life, an important precondition 'Friends and their TIME' always creates an recurring error and thus the system fails. But then as I said, time is a very witty companion. All this free time makes me contemplate on my unfold qualities in life to which even I was a stranger until now, might it be Blogging or playing some blatant tune on my guitar!

The bottom line being we can't predict the future, all we can do is sail in this babbling stream of Time coz for sure this stream one day will kiss the ocean! In plain English - 'Live life the way it comes to you!'

Saturday 26 November 2011


Great personalities are those, who engulf infinite zero's in their life.

Every morning the sun rises in the east, moves past our head to narrow down into the west-we call it evening, and the suns ready to repeat the same schedule for the rest of its life. Human race is more or less just like the motion of the Sun in Zeros.

Our life is full of adventures and thrills each time zeroing us at the same start point making us ready to face newer challenges and encompass greater skills. Accumulating these small Zeros we can ultimately hit upon many more to follow. May be that's what I have been doing for 22 long years of my life so far. Might it be studies, might it be spilling the beans with friends along the katta or might it be killing time on fb@lukkhe!

Some of the Zero's worth mentioning include Aarohi. For all others who were never a part of it, it will always remain just another college festival. But for me it has been the turning moment of my life. After moving through the hierarchical steps for four years of my college life working for Aarohi, today I find myself standing at the lowest step of hierarchy in my professional life thus completing a Zero in itself. Ten years down the line I might not remember the classroom or my Professor but the experience gained during Aarohi is something I will cherish forever.

To quote another example, let's venture upon the idea of today's Love!

Love is the spice of life and manifold options in it is the spice of Love.

In this 21st century Relationships have become a child's toy. We mingle with someone, spend time, money, thoughts, only to later realize that either it was a dream or a bad experience. The tree of love sprouts with a SMS (unlike its abbreviation, the longer, its better), watered by phone calls, blossoms in the Coffee Shops, Sea Shores and Candle-light Dinners and is one fine day axed by some other stronger contender! Bottom line being we move in Zero's getting ready for the next endeavor to find our 'True Love'.

Its all about accumulating these Zeros and enjoying the entire caravan, so that we leap forward to achieve bigger ZERO's!! Ultimately life starts from our mothers womb and ends in ashes with mother nature only to rise upon in the next era making me to believe-The one with the most Zero's in life is the ultimate Hero!