Tuesday 23 September 2014

My Philosophy - My life

Writing almost after an year. I always thought MBA life would not take a toll on me but it seems like it certainly did. This time I am writing something very personal to me, after contemplating for almost a week, I have come up with this post. Hope you all have a good read.

A man’s character is determined by his action and not his words – Unknown

A firm believer in this quote I feel each person is unique; we all have different ideas and opinions, we all practice different beliefs. Our ideas about life are based on our perception, the way we see the world. So it is only natural that each individual follows their own slightly modified philosophy. My immediate surroundings, my life and my beliefs help me shape my philosophy.
I am a person who lives life every moment and believes in living as if it’s the last day of my life. This gives me the opportunity to do things in a better way than what I did yesterday. Life is constant in many ways yet it keeps on flowing all the time. It’s a learning ground every moment. This helps me introspect and improve upon my actions for next endeavors. A life philosophy cannot be outsourced. Although many major religions package premade philosophies, the work of building a strategy for life is my alone. Thinking about my beliefs and strategies is the only real way which has helped me craft my own philosophy..
I feel our surroundings affects up in a lot of ways and is a central force for shaping our philosophy. It teaches us to interact and function in the world. As a child we are only aware of what the adults in our life tell us, we begin to make choices around what they believe is best. But as we grow and obtain knowledge we become more informed, we are able to think for ourselves and begin to make more of our own decisions. I think those values taught to us as a child are always there, but we now have the choice to abide by them or to create our own belief system.
Socrates once said "He is a man of courage who does not run away, but remains at his post and fights against the enemy". I am a person who has complete faith in himself. I think before acting upon any situation and then stand by that decision no matter what the circumstances might be. There is always a scope for improvement but the core idea remains instilled firm. This has helped me developed a strong character to face challenges.
I understand death is certain and hence I spend life my own way and always try not to get trapped by dogma. A lot of people care too much about what others will think of them to freely express their ideas. They always tend to take opinions before any act. While I feel it is good to take opinions and advice it is also necessary to be independent. It is this sense of independence which gives me the power to express my own thoughts and decisions in public space. I am not afraid to go against the masses to stand firm for a right cause and this philosophy gives me my public identity.
Mindfulness has helped me taste success in almost every dimension of my life. By stopping regularly to look inward and become aware of my mental state, I stay connected to the source of my actions and thoughts and can guide them with considerably more intention. By bringing full presence to each interaction, I am able to avoid missteps and stay focused on my real purpose for every conversation. This guides both my personal and professional life.
I tend to travel the path less travelled and leave a trail behind. This comes to me naturally and makes me brave. It’s said that the closer we get to death the more we appreciate life. My 3 near death experiences at my previous work place have made me believe that we should always be prepared with a plan B for any
task at hand. These experiences have helped me modify my thought process to a great extent and today I plan for any activity with a proper backup. I believe I have survived till date to write this note on my philosophy of life since I show complete dedication in all activities involved.
I have a sense of purpose and foresightedness in all my activities. This gives me ample opportunities to learn and help others as well. I believe in helping people unconditionally who affect all the constituents of my life, matter, perception, emotional quotient, feeling and consciousness. They are the true loved ones who make me what I am today. I also understand that the one who stands for others unconditionally is a true friend. I have learned this from my parents who have always been there for me and in fact everyone.
Love is an indispensable part of my life. I have thrived on this value and I firmly believe trust is necessary to love others. I know our karma defines our life and of those under our influence and our physical presence might not matter in this regard. Also I try to seek out opportunities where a small amount of resources, time, or effort can make a disproportionately large contribution. I particularly value efforts with a ripple effect, where one action sets off an entire cascade of responses whose overall impact can be really huge. Finally I feel life is God’s gift-so be grateful for it. I am very well consoled with the fact that God will always and forever be there for me. I have been living enough to have fully understood what lies ahead for me. All I know is that God is still busy trying to weave my personal destiny which I am soon to discover.
I am still learning and creating my own philosophy. By researching philosophers’ thoughts and creating my own opinions on life’s ‘big questions’ I am beginning to make my philosophy which I plan to follow in the future. I think it is going to take time to actually be able to live my philosophy completely.

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