Tuesday 2 October 2012

Topic trending at this hour: Girlfriend!

By the time I publish this, a normal creature of my age must have kissed two or three Sunny Leones in his dreams. But then what am I doing at this hour... May be sleep has lost its way just like my mind. I meet a friend (Male obviously, considering the scarcity of girls in Vizag) and God knows how after five minutes of discussions the topic trends back to " Dude! It's high time to have a 'girlfriend'." And then starts the countless list of chicks upon whom our eyes have tharkofied or who once upon a time was Katrina Kaif of our life.

The term 'Relationship' has become more of a joke these days more due to the lambent lifestyle we live. People often fail to realize that its about us and not me. And then starts the countless smashing of ego's, phyche and what not without appreciating that the whole purpose of being in a relationship is lost. Its like  having a girlfriend has become more of a fashion statement than anything else. Your dudeness quotient is calculated by the quantum of opposite sex you have sloshed upon with..

Ultimately what we want is peace of mind and not a piece of it! But then is it necessarily important to have one(girlfriend) at this age? 
What I feel is that being single obviously has its own advantages. Live life as you wish, as you seek and as you enjoy. Actually being committed as well you can do all this but then this is where people falter. All those adjectives like possessive, dominating, rude, etc etc and all that blah blah start playing their part in the story. 

And then all of us should accept that there's an inner thrust to hover upon that kinda lifestyle, that 'committed one' atleast once in lifetime. We always analyse things from the options we have. Just as an oasis is a blessing in disguise for a camel a good looking gurl besides you here is like hitting a bingo with a blind eye!! Its like fishing for a fish in the dead sea. Still from all this emerge some fortunate ones who ride their noses high having hooked up with the jellybeans in store... 

Ask anyone in Kolkata and he has this thing always on back of his mind "Hoow to get a virgin Bengoli gurl!" The point of highlighting this is that even though we might hook-up with someone its very difficult to get her as we wished. The fast paced glimmering lifestyle is responsible for this kinda thoughts. Bottomline being 
"Live life as it comes to you, 
being smart pays you more than being an ass 
and most importantly 
let the problems have a share of your mind when they actually knock the door!"

Wednesday 22 August 2012


How people treat you is their karma, how you react is yours.

May be this is what might be my proclivity. But then I have always believed to be one of my greatest strengths. A year ago when I found myself in the deep sea of incog creatures, the familiar Starfishes were all I wanted to be with. Still then, I dunno why I was ready to mingles with even the filthiest muggles out there... 
It was this funda I had been following for years and the reactions rolling out here weren't that hard to decipher either. But then as always some good ones would always save the day for me.

The point being, this one year here away from from your home was just enough to make me find an alternate one! It was a year maybe, when I realized what actually having something of your own means, might it be money for that matter. I relish all the crazy stuff I did here,l searching my home @3:30 hrs on a rainy deserted street or just flying to Bangalore for feeling some insane metal trash, though I admit I hardly knew any Metallica song till then! ;) 

It was a year which gave me my long sought after dream, my dream bike.... and now riding it seriously FEELS LIKE HEAVEN! Developing interest in photography was just like pie in the sky until my bank balance turned green. Seriously money does bring in power! 
The best part of it though was that I was never deprived of good friends. A few left but a lot of them joined in as well. I a merry point was that I was at a very beautiful place amidst hills and the gorgeous sea. Really made my day. But then still the feeling was like an alien landing on earth and saying 'JADOO JADOO' until even I  managed to utter some kuncham kuncham telugu. 

I even saw this past year how people earning 2000 a day look like! World is full of people ready to shower their knowledge, we just need to pinch at the right moment. Working in a consortium here with people of all sorts from 'Macaronis' to 'Bongs' its been a decent professional affair till date. Knowledge gain was something like I had never achieved till date in my lifetime, may it be Academics or Managerial, but above all what I feel it was that enthusiastic sting within me which helped me excel my way. 

But as it has always been obstracles weren't a step behind here as well, every-time getting bigger and bigger, such that even life and death seemed to be on the verge of kissing each other. But it was thrilling and that's why I know I survived the scare.

Uncertainty is the fuse of success in life, coz it brings upon new options everytime, so powerfull that even Heisenberg wasn't sure! ;)

Solely its like "I am the way I am".

Monday 30 April 2012


What I was, was all that I wasn't
What I would be is all that I wont want to be
What I should be, well do I have an idea... :|

Frankly, exactly an year ago when my Facebook status read 'A happy end for a new start', neither was I sure as to was it a new start or was it an happy end and now after a 365 when i contemplate as to what I lost and what I gained I feel there are just a couple of changes - College replaced by VSP and friends replaced by money. But then does this make me happy?!

Hell NO.

For most of those who knew me, for them I doubt now I'm just another # in the cyber world and the ones whom I thought I knew are still a lost thread in my wrenched coat. And time passes by suturing all that is unstitched. Having patience doesn't buy you girlfriends nor does enthusiasm gift you promotions. But then are these the ones for which I actually long for....!?

A year back neither did I realize that photography would be my hobby making me spend 40 grands for something which I couldn't even hold properly first few weeks nor that I would end up developing love for something I hated my 4 years of undergrad life, read METALLURGY!! But then this is life, Simple yet so complicated. This last one year has taught me a lot and today when I write this blog I realize how much I miss being myself, the one which the world knows and the one which I tried to be. All those laughs, all those pranks, all those ram-sham jokes, all those pehchaan kaun series are now just a parched leaf in my life-tree. But then we do have a blossom every spring!!

Forgetting a friends birthday without whom you  didn't even visit the loo, talking to mom dad like its been ages around and working like donkeys all day round may have become a daily routine but then the important point is to grab the positive even out of this blatantly sad life. Achievements are a part and parcel of our life and even though my contribution in them might be minimal but then it does add a tag to the credentials. Commissioning of Blast Furnace 3 in Rashtriya Ispat Nigam Limited is an apt example of what I just quoted. 6 months of efforts in it and I to now get a name as a commissioning member with people putting in efforts for it since last 5 years. But then it has taught me a lot, has given me new friends, has given a new direction to my life. But then still the question remains Is this what all I would be...?!

Whatever might be the outcome of all this one thing I know now for sure, its not important what you do to please others, its all about keeping yourself happy and I still know the only thing that makes me happy is the bunch of idiots I made friendship with during my college days. Missing them makes me move to office every other day, missing them makes me work more on every other task so that when I spare time with them I live the best moments of my life. Hoping to see you all soon. Love you loads.

- A true LUKKHA

Tuesday 7 February 2012

Nuclear City

In my dream the other night two neutrons wandering had a small chat...

Neutron1: Lets kick some real arse buddy!
Neutron2: Yeah! Probably it's time to hit upon uranium...
Neutron1: wait wait wait... Looks like the dark lords coming.
Neutron: Boron huh!?
Neutron2: Nopes.. we can easily ditch a boron. This seems to be something else :S

a SHADOW appears from the dark...

Shadow: so where do you wanna settle? India, Russia, France, USA...
Both Neutron1 and Neutron2: Lolz... we heard India. Not possible dude!

Lights on....

Nuclear energy still remains only the forth energy source for electricity generation in India after thermal, hydroelectric and renewable energy resources. I think India today aiming at worlds third largest nuclear power plant expansion plan, has certainly taken an ambitious leap. But will this surely happen!?

these days in the newspaper on one page we read news regarding 14 new nuclear power plant approval by Nuclear Power Corporation of India (NPCIL) in different parts of the country, including one at Kovvada in the backward Srikakulam district of Andhra Pradesh, Jaitapur in Maharashtra or Kundakulam in Tamil Nadu, where one of the two VVER-type reactors (2000 MWe) is ready for operation and on the very next page the politics played by bureaucrats and MP's to cash upon it.

Taking the case of Kovvada plant which is receiving opposition from families to be displaced and civil society groups on grounds of improper compensation offered by NPCIL, I think the government has taken a very wise decision by offering four time the existing land rates as settlement. But due to this, what we can say mean minded attitude of the mango man, its India which has to suffer in the longer run. And then the opposition gets mulling over the government blaming it for a complete failure to handle the situation.

In the nutshell, the civil society groups instead of ragging the government should explain the benefits of these nuclear power plants. Our lands today can be put to use in a much better way than the existing methodologies and that a few bucks lost today will turn out into gold tomorrow. Its time we Indians think out of our domain so that may be a few years later we will again become the same 'Sone ki Chidiya!!'

Fingers Crossed!
A Concerned Indian.